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Top eight reason why should you legalize pot aka ganja in india

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like all the other western country now time has came to legalize ganja weed or cannabis too in india.In jamaica,recently the ganja has bee...

Herbal tulsi plant -its benefit and side-affect

Tulsi plant( basil): tulsi  is basically herb type of plant and it grows in summer season and live for one year maximum.and its scienti...

Top eight reason why should you legalize pot aka ganja in india Top eight reason why should you legalize pot aka ganja in india

like all the other western country now time has came to legalize ganja weed or cannabis too in india.In jamaica,recently the ganja has bee...

Herbal tulsi plant -its benefit and side-affect Herbal tulsi plant -its benefit and side-affect

Tulsi plant( basil): tulsi  is basically herb type of plant and it grows in summer season and live for one year maximum.and its scienti...

